Seed Bombs-
Educational Activity
Seed bombs are as old as agriculture itself. They were used to keep the seeds until the next rainy season . Japanese farmer and philosopher Messonovo Fokaoka find them useful in modern farming as well. His philosophy opposes the exploitation of natural resources used in the destructive way by modern industrialized world , and advocates working with nature and cultivation , in this work lies in the happiness of man. The balls can be thrown to unreachable places, such as behind a fence , The clay soil protects the seeds from birds and other seeds eaters animals, and the seeds are sprouts in the right season.
During the activity , children learn the story of the seed balls and made their own sphere of their own seeds : witch later will be plant and take care of . The activity includes compressing of the soil with dedicated mold and press . This soil composition and pressing technique is also used for making bricks for building green houses . This creates the surprise of turning the amorphous soil into an accurate geometric form.
Dodecahedron - regular polygon built from 12 pentagonal sides and exist in nature in the form of a crystal. Dodecahedron is the fourth of five Platonic solids, and he attributed mystical meanings throughout history, the fifth element of the universe as well as the divine proportion.
Every ball has the seeds of black-eyed peas , sunflower and zucchini . This group of seeds is suited to the Israeli climate , a contemporary version of beans , corn and squash, a combination that the Native Americans were used to plant. Squash (zucchini ) provides coverage of the soil and prevents the evaporation of water , corn (sunflower ) rises high , and beans (black-eyed peas ) climbs it as it was a scaffold. Each one comes from a different family and therefore takes and gives other features to the ground soil.